What We Do

Our mission is to create an online community to advocate for the rights of women, eradicate oppression against black women, and restore standards of beauty to include black women.


We conduct and commission research and studies on issues and concerns of black women. We curate and orginate articles, blogs, studies, and videos on things and people who uplift black women.


Our global online community advocates for the well-being of black women. We petition legislators and mobilize to eradicate oppression of black women. We give black women a vehicle to respond quickly and forcefully to oppressive and damaging policies and systems. We motivate business, political, and community leaders to effect change and advance equality.


We elevate black women and their causes by promoting woman-centered causes and events. We seek to empower black women and girls. We intend to change the way the world values black women and demand our full and equal participation in society.

Join Us!

You can join us in the fight by signing our petitions, attending our events, and/or becoming a member of the Justice Salon.


Sign a petition to empower and bring about social change for black women.



We create unique events that will unleash new ideas, inspire and inform.



Students: $5 Annually
Regular: $25 Annually
Your contribution will ensure we have a strong, thriving organization. Members are treated to exclusive opportunities to engage, VIP status at our events, and other goodies.

Get in Touch

Find us at the office

Justice Salon | 1629 K Street NW | WDC 20006

Give us a ring

Justice SalonĀ 

Get in touch